[Windows10] backup and restore procedures

[Windows10] backup and restore procedure

  • Description

Restoring the backup and the backup files in the file is done in the Windows features.

  • How to back up files

How to back up files, there is a way to back up the entire way and the PC for data back up in the part of the folder, such as Documents folder as one of the data. Please refer to the relevant Q & A below to find out more detail.
▼ related Q & A:
[Windows 10] How to backup using the file history
[Windows 10] way to do PC entire backup (system image backup)

  • How to restore the backed-up files

For information about how to restore backed-up files, please refer to the relevant Q & A below.
▼ related Q & A:
[Windows 10] how to use the file history to restore the files you backed up
[Windows 10] How to restore the PC using a system image
[Windows 10] Windows 7 Backup and Restore tool How to restore a backup that was created in