[Windows 10 Upgrade] Functions to be newly added and deleted to/from VAIO setting

Functions that are added and removed after upgrading to Windows 10

Windows 10 upgrade models General

Due to the limitations of Windows 10, some of the VAIO features are no longer available after upgrading.  Additionally, there are some features that are added to your computer.
Functions to be deleted

  • Network sharing
  • Advanced touch pad

Functions to be deleted
Because it is no longer supported in Windows 10, the edge swipe gesture feature of your touch pad is no longer available.  To configure your touch pad gestures, please refer to the following Q & A. 

Functions to be added

  • Profile switching function of the network

There is now a network profile switching function.  This function corresponds to the switching of the profile used with the built-in wireless LAN or wired LAN.  It does not correspond to a USB wired LAN adapter.