[Windows 10] How to update Windows store app

[Windows 10] how to update the Windows Store app

Table of Contents
Method of operation
How to enable / disable the automatic update of the Windows Store app
How to manually update the Windows Store app

In Windows 10, automatic update of the Windows Store app by default has become a “valid”. If automatic update of Windows Store app is disabled, please do the update manually. For information about how to update manually,please refer to. the “How to manually update the Windows Store app” section below.

Method of operation
How to enable / disable the automatic update of the Windows Store app
1.    It will start the “store” from the application list.
2.    Select the icon on the left side of the screen the top right of the search bar, and then select Settings from the menu that appears.
※ If you use a Microsoft account, photos and menu content is different.
(The image below is with Microsoft account use.)

3.While the “Settings” screen is displayed, if you want to enable the automatic update feature, switch “Update apps automatically” to “On”.
If you want to disable the feature, switch it to “Off”.

This completes the operation above.

How to manually update the Windows Store app
1.    It will start the “store” from the application list.
2.    Select the icon on the left side of the screen the top right of the search bar, and then select Settings from the menu that appears.
※ If you use a Microsoft account, photos and menu content is different.
(The image below is with a Microsoft account in use.)

3.    Since the “download and install” screen is displayed, I will select Check for updates in the upper right corner.

4.    Middle down arrow and numbers are displayed in, if there is a Windows Store app to be updated, because automatically download and installation is carried out, and wait until the end.

This completes the operation above.