[Windows 10] How to start up through safe mode

How to start Safe Mode in Windows 10

Table of contents
Method of operation
How to Start Safe Mode and then restart it while holding down the [Shift] key
How to start Safe Mode if Windows does not start properly

Safe mode is a special diagnostic mode to that helps you isolate the problem when Windows doesn’t start properly, allowing you to then use one of a variety of disaster recovery tools.
As safe mode is a Windows environment that only incorporates a small number of necessary functions, so some of your computer equipment might not be available in Safe Mode.
Additionally, the screen resolution is set low and the number of colors available is also limited.

Note that in Windows 10, because you are using a high-speed start when you press the F8 key on the keyboard during start-up, there will be no prompt about selecting Windows 7 or an earlier OS.

Method of operation

How to Start Safe Mode and then restart it while holding down the [Shift] key
1. Click on the Start button.
2. When the Start menu is displayed, you can click on the Power Button.  To start Safe Mode, hold down the Shift Key and then select “Restart”.

Reference: If you are not signed in, you can do the same Shift + Restart combow by selecting the power button in the bottom right of the sign in screen.

If you can not get the Start Menu to display, please follow the following procedure.

1. Hold down the Control botton [Ctrl], and press the Alt [Alt] and delete [Delete] keys at the same time.
2. This will bring you to a screen that has the following options: “Lock”, “Switch User”, “Sign out”, “Change a password”, and “Task Manager”. On this page you can select the power button to restart.

3. After you restart, choose “Troubleshoot”

4. In the Troubleshooting screen, select “Advanced Options”

5. In the Advanced Options screen, select “Startup Settings”.

6. In the Startup Setting screen, select “Restart”.

7. In the Startup Setting Screen, chose the number thet corresponds to your needs:
– #4: Safe Mode (with no networking)
– #5: Safe Mode with Networking.  (Please be very careful on the internet in this mode.)
– #6: Safe Mode with a Command Prompt

8. As you can see in the image below, Safe Mode starts the computer with a black background that reaches all four corner.

This completes the operation.

How to Start Safe Mode if Windows does not start properly
If Windows does not start up properly, here is another way to start the computer in Safe Mode
1. Turn the computer off by pressing the power button for longer than 4 seconds.
2. Turn on the power.
3. When the VAIO logo appears, shut the computer down again by holding the power button for longer than 4 seconds.
4. Repeat steps 2-3 three times.
5. Turn on the power.
6. When you see “Preparing Automatic Repair”, wait for a while.
7. When the Auto Repair Screen is displayed, choose “Advanced Options”
8. When the Select Options screen is displayed, choose “Troubleshoot”
9. When the Troubleshooting screen is displayed, choose “Advanced Options”
10. When the Advanced Options screen is displayed, choose “Startup Settings”
11. When the Startup Settings screen is displayed, choose “Restart”
12. When the Restart screen is displayed, chose the number thet corresponds to your needs:
– #4: Safe Mode (with no networking)
– #5: Safe Mode with Networking.  Please be very careful on the internet in this mode.
– #6: Safe Mode with a Command Prompt
13. As you can see in the image below, Safe Mode starts the computer with a black background that reaches all four corner.
This completes the operation above.