[Windows 10] How to enable/disable Bluetooth

How to enable / disable the [Windows 10] Bluetooth


Table of contents

  • How to set up from the Action Center icon
  • How to set from the setting screen


·         How to set up from the Action Center icon

1. It will open the Action Center.

▼ related Q & A: [Windows 10] how to open the “Action Center”

2. You can toggle [Bluetooth] ON/OFF in the “Action Center”.
※ The color of the display is enabled if it is brighter than the other icons. (This image is gray)
and is disabled if made display of color is darker than the other icons.

This completes the operation above.

·         How to set from the setting screen

1. Click the Start button.
2. While the start menu is displayed, I then select Settings.

3. The settings screen will appear. Select the [Bluetooth, printer, mouse].

4. While the “Devices” screen is displayed, select [Bluetooth], on this menu you have the option to toggle the “Bluetooth” ON/OFF.

This completes the operation above.