[Windows 10] Checklist for when you cannot shutdown (turn off the power)

The computer cannot shut down (Win10)
This page describes what to do if you cannot shut down in Windows 10. Please try the following options if you cannot shut down your computer.
Windows 10

Table of contents
How to shut down the computer using the power button
If you cannot shut down using the power button:

  • Press and Hold the manual power button
  • Disconnect from the network (such as a LAN)
  • Remove peripherals and other additional equipment
  • Initialize the BIOS settings
  • See if you can shut down correctly in Safe Mode
  • You can remove your battery
  • Perform a System Recovery

  • Workaround

How to shut down the computer using the power button
In Windows 10, you can click the start menu and shut down the computer using the “Power” button.  Use the following Q & A for more directions.

▼ related Q & A:
[Windows 10] to shut down the PC (turn off the power) method

If you cannot correctly shut down the computer using this method, please try the next option.

If you cannot shut down using the power button
If you cannot shut down the power via the power button, or the shut down procedure gets hung up, please follow the following procedures to attempt to kill the power and successfully reboot.
 Press and Hold the manual power button
please note
Since the following operation involves forcibly shutting down your computer, any data that was created and has not been saved may disappear.
Locate the manual power button on your computer.  Press and hold the power button for 4 seconds or more.  This will kill Windows.  You can click the power button again to restart the computer.  If pressing the power button for 4 seconds or more doesn’t work, please try the following steps and reattempt the operation:

  • Unplug the power cable from the electrical outlet.
  • Remove the AC adapter from the computer.
  • If you have a removable battery, take the battery out.

If you cannot correctly shut down the computer using this method, please try the next option.

Disconnect from the network (such as a LAN)
Cut off your computer’s connection to the network (such as a LAN) and then attempt to shut down again.  When your computer is communicating to the network, it might block your attempt to shut the computer down.  ※ If you are connected to a wireless LAN, you can use the related Q & A to disable the wireless LAN.

▼ related Q & A:
[Windows 10] Wi-Fi How to enable / disable the (wireless LAN) function

If you cannot correctly shut down the computer using this method, please try the next option.

Remove peripherals and other additional equipment
Attached peripherals and expansion that has been equipment (memory, hard disk, mouse, PC card, etc.) If there is a will, in the state where all the removed
and then determines if it an shut down.
If you can shut down after you have removed the peripherals or upgrades, there is a possibility that there is a problem with your peripheral devices or upgrades and that is stopping you from turning your power off.  You may need to update the drivers of your device to better conform to your operating system.  To do so, please contact the equipment manufacturer.

Reference information
To shut down the peripheral device, please check the instruction manual to determine the correct way to shut down the device.  If the peripheral device is connected to the VAIO with an i.LINK or USB connection via a conversion cable or multiple connections in a daisy chain, you would shut it down the same way as if it was connected directly.
After you have removed these items, please restart and see if you can shut down via the Start menu.  If you cannot correctly shut down the computer, please try the next option.

Initialize the BIOS settings
The BIOS settings manage the hardware.  Initializes the settings of the BIOS to determine if Windows is operating correctly with the hardware.  For instructions, please refer to the related Q & A below.

▼ related Q & A:
[VAIO PC] how to initialize the settings of the BIOS setup menu

After you have initialized the BIOS, please restart and see if you can shut down via the Start menu.  If you cannot correctly shut down the computer, please try the next option.

See if you can shut down correctly in Safe Mode
Start the computer in Safe Mode and attempt to shut down the computer using the Start menu and Power button.  For information about how to start in Safe Mode, please refer to the related Q & A below.

▼ related Q & A:
How to start with [Windows 10] Safe Mode

If you can shut down correctly in Safe Mode, a Windows application may have prevented you from shutting down correctly.  If a Windows application is causing the problem, you can terminate the application or stop it from launching at start up to find out if it is causing your problem.  For information on how to terminate and/or stop windows applications from launching at start up, please refer to the related Q & A below.

▼ related Q & A:
How to Terminate Windows Applications and Stop them from Launching at Start Up (Win10)

If you cannot correctly shut down the computer using this method, please try the next option.

You can remove your battery
If you cannot shut down the operation up to this point, remove your battery completely from the computer and determine if this solves your problem.
Prior confirmation
In the case of the battery that has a battery off button equipped models, remove the battery and then press the battery off button 3-5 seconds.

Related Q & A:
[VAIO_PC] position list of the battery off button

  1. Press and hold the power button for 4 seconds or more to shut down completely.  Please note if you do not hold down the button long enough, it will not shut down.
  2. Remove all connections from the battery including the power cable and AC adapter.  Let the battery stand alone for 1 minute.
  3. Replace the battery and use the power cable to plug the computer in to a power source.
  4. Turn it on and then determine if it can shut down correctly.

If you cannot correctly shut down the computer using this method, please try the next option.

Perform a System Recovery
If you have attempted all of these solutions and nothing has worked, there is a possibility that you have a problem with your Windows installation.  Using the following Q & A, perform a System Recovery which will return your Windows operation to the state it was in when you first purchased your computer.

If the problem is not resolved, there may be a hardware problem.  Please contact the VAIO Support Center for further assistance.  Please tell the representative that you walked through this article and the details of what steps you followed.