[Windows 10] About the types and differences in the privileges of the user account

Different Kinds of User Accounts (Win10)

Table of contents
Type of user account
Privileges of the user account
For the user account of the type and authority


Type of user account
Windows 10 had three user account types.

Family account
This type of account is a convenient one to use for the whole family.  When you set up the account for the parents, you can add children’s accounts that can be customized with limited browsing for sites, apps, and games that are appropriate for children as well as time restrictions.  To use the family account, you need to have a Microsoft account.  For more information on the family account, please refer to Microsoft’s page: Set the family function

Microsoft account
The Microsoft account is an account that you can use for multiple services on the Internet.  When you sign in to Windows with your Microsoft account, some of your computer settings are saved in the cloud and can be activated on your computer.  Even if you sign into computers with different operating systems (Win 7, Win 8, or Win 10), you will still be able to use some of the same environment settings.  To manage the options for synchronization, you can use the Synchronization Settings. For more information about Microsoft account, please refer to Microsoft’s page: Help with your Microsoft account
To obtain a Microsoft account, you will need to designate an email address.  You can either use an email address you already have (Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, etc) or you can set up a Microsoft email address.

Reference information
If you registered an email address that is with a service other than Microsoft, you will need to verify the email address.  For more information, read: Why do I need to verify my email address?

Local accounts
Much like the user accounts that are used in Win7 and earlier versions of Windows, the local account is an account that can only be used on the computer where it is set up.  If you are signing into the computer with a local account, it will limit some of the Windows Store Application functionality.

Privileges of the user account
The Microsoft account and the local account have different privileges.

Administrators can manage the entire computer.  As an administrator, you can change all the settings, operate all of the programs and see all of the files stored on your computer.

Standard users can use most of the apps.  Additionally, standard users can change settings that do not affect the computer’s security.  Depending on the operation being performed, you may be prompted for a password for an account that has administrator privileges.

Reference information
The user account that you create during the Windows default setting is automatically set up as an administrator.  Any account that you add will automatically be set up as a standard user.  You can give the account administrative privileges after it is created.

How to determine the type and the privileges of the user account
1.    Open the Control Panel

▼ related Q & A
[Windows 10] “Settings” and how to display the “Control Panel” screen

2.    Choose User Accounts.

3.    When the User Accounts screen is displayed, choose “User Accounts”.764-2

4.    When “Make changes to your user account” is displayed, the account information is displayed to the right.
Display of the User Accounts screen
This is a Microsoft account.
E-mail address appears below the user name.

This is a local account.
The display will indicate “local account” under the user name.

This is an (Administrator) with administrator privileges.
This appears as “Administrator” under the e-mail address or, “local account”.

This is the account (standard) that does not have administrator privileges.
Nothing is displayed on the bottom of the e-mail address or,
“local account”.
※ If a password has been set, it is displayed as “password protected”.

This completes the operation above.