VJS 131 * “ME Firmware Ver.” update program

■ Program name
VJS 131 *,  “ME Firmware Ver.” update program

■ Software ID

Date published

■ Applicable models

■ Applicable OS
Windows 10 Home 64 bit
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

■ Applicable ME Firmware version
When there is a character string other than “” in the ME Firmware version column
【How to check ME Firmware version】
• With the VAIO powered off, hold down the F3 or F4 key and press the power button.
“VAIO rescue mode” screen will appear.
• Select[Launch BIOS setting].
• BIOS setup menu will appear, so check the “ME Version” from “System Information.

■ Caution
• Please apply the following program together with applying this program.
Intel ME SW Update Ver.” update program
• Disable or temporarily suspend device or drive encryption (BitLocker, etc.).
• Be sure to connect the AC adapter and power cord to the device.
• Remove all peripheral devices.
• Please sign in to Windows as “computer administrator” or “administrator” user.
• The user name must be registered with single-byte alphanumeric characters. If you are using double-byte or single-byte space as the user name, create a new account with one-byte alphanumeric user name.
• Close all running applications.
• Please temporarily stop resident software such as virus software.
• Make sure not to switch to standby, sleep, or hibernate during update.
• Do not turn off the power while updating.
• If the “User Account Control” or “Open File – Security Warning” dialog box appear while in progress, please check the contents and continue by following the direction.
• Please check the applicable model. If you apply this update program to other models by mistake, update will fail or malfunction will occur.

■ Issue to be solved
Now compatible with Intel(R)ME Firmware security vulnerability

■ How to apply the program
1. Close all applications running on Windows.
2. Open the [PC (computer)] – [Local disk (C:)] – [Update] folder (the folder where you downloaded the file) and double-click the [SP000198.exe] file.
3. “Please note: For customers using encryption software” will appear, so select “OK” when encryption is disabled.
If encryption such as BitLocker Drive Encryption is enabled, please click [Cancel] to interrupt the update.
Disable encryption before running this update program.
4. A dialog box of “VAIO ME / FW Update Tool” will appear, so please check the contents of “Please read” and click “Update”.
5. The message “Do you want to update Firmware?” will appear, so click [OK]. It will begin updating.
1. While updating ME Firmware, the fan may rotate or there may be no response, but please wait as is.
2. ME Firmware update may take several minutes.
3. Make sure that the AC adapter is connected and never turn off the computer while updating.
6. It will say “Firmware update completed normally, press OK to shut down the system.”, so select [OK]. PC will shut down automatically.

■ This completes the task.
Turn on the VAIO again, and try the operation of the confirmation method of the completion of the program.
How to check if the program has been applied
1. Close all applications running on Windows.
2. Open the [PC (computer)] – [Local disk (C:)] – [Update] folder (the folder where you downloaded the file) and double-click the [SP000198.exe] file.
3. “Please note: For customers using encryption software” will appear, so select “OK”.
4. If it says “It has already been upgraded, there is no need for version upgrade”, it has been successfully updated.

■ Download procedure

(Please prepare a folder to store the downloaded file. In this description, the folder name that was created in the C drive and named “Update”. * Please use only alphanumeric characters in the name of the folder. Double-byte characters and spaces, you can not run a program that has and special characters in its name.)

To View the END-USER LICENSE USER AGREEMENT FOR VAIO SOFTWARE please click the link below.


please click the link below.

Please use “Microsoft Edge” or “Internet Explorer” to download the file. 
In browsers other than the above the file may not download properly
By downloading this file you are agreeing to the terms put forth in the END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT for VAIO SOFTWARE