[VAIO_PC] Checklist for when Windows Update cannot be performed

[VAIO_PC] Checklist for when Windows Update cannot be performed

Windows Update cannot be performed properly.

Applicable Products

Table of contents
Before starting
Coping strategies

1. Check if used under office LAN 
2. Check if logged in under Administrator’s user account 
3. Check if connected to the internet 
4. Check if the date and time displayed are accurate 
5. See what happens when cache is deleted 
6. Check if firewall function is used 

  • When firewall function of OS is used
  • When virus exterminating app or firewall app is used

7. Check ifInternet Explorer” is under its correct setting
8. Check if any internet-related apps from other manufacturers are used 
9. Check if updating program can be installed from Microsoft’s download center 
10. See what happens when system is restored 
11. Allow some time, and then check if Windows Update can be performed 
12. Check the setting of your network device 
13. See what happens when recovery (re-setup/initialize) is performed 

To be checked in prior
We have publicized a guide-assistance version under the same contents as this page that can be checked by a questionnaire form. Please refer to the following page as well.

[VAIO_PC] Check list for when Windows Update cannot be performed

If Windows Update cannot be performed, and if you know the error message, please refer to the following Related Q&A.
Related Q&A
List of error messages concerning Windows Update

Coping Strategies
1. Check if used under office LAN
If using office LAN, it could be possible that Windows Update is disabled by group policy, etc.
Please consult with your network system administrator.

Please refer to the following Microsoft support technical info as well.
Microsoft support technical info
[sentence #] 316524
[latest update] 2010/9/14
When accessing Windows Update site or Microsoft Update site, the error message: “Administrator only” is displayed

2. Check if logged in under Administrator’s user account
If the Administrator is not logged onto Windows, Windows Update may not be performed correctly.
Check who the logged on user is, and re-logon as Administrator, and see if Windows Update can be performed.

3. Check if connected to the internet
If it does not connect to the internet, please refer to the following Related Q&A.

Related Q&A
(Collection) [VAIO_PC] Cannot connect to the internet (Q&A collections by each line)
If using a network device, please check if it is in the correct setting to perform Windows Update.
Please contact the manufacturer of the device for details on setting.

4. Check if the date and time displayed are accurate
If the date or time is incorrect, Windows Update may not be performed.
If the date or time is incorrect, adjust the internal clock (system time) so it is correct, and see if Windows Update can be performed.
Please refer to the following Related Q&A, and adjust the time and date from BIOS setup program.

▼Related Q&A:
[VAIO_PC] The time of the internal clock is off

Please refer to the following Microsoft support technical info as well.
Microsoft support technical info
[sentence #] 326253
[latest update] 2011/5/11
When I check the update program on Windows Update site, the error message: “0X800A138F: Currently, there are no available updates” is displayed

5. See what happens when cache is deleted

6. Check if firewall function is used

When virus exterminating app or firewall app is used
Some virus exterminating app and firewall app are loaded with functions that limit “access to network” and “access from network”, as part of the firewall functions.
When app with this kind of function is installed, PC may not be recognized correctly on network, and cases such as not being able to connect to the internet may occur.
If virus exterminating app is installed, check if firewall function stated above is running or not.
If you believe the firewall function is the cause, check the setting through the app’s instruction manual or developer.

7. Check ifInternet Explorer” is under its correct setting

1. Check the security level ofInternet Explorer
In order to perform Windows Update, the security level should be set at “middle” and below.

2. Add Windows Update to the trusted site zone, and see what happens after changing the security level

  1. Startup “Internet Explorer”.
  2. Select the [tool] button, and select [internet option].
    ※If the [tool] button is not displayed, press the [Alt] key to display the menu bar, and select [tool]-[internet option].
  3. Either [internet option] screen or [internet property] screen will be displayed, so select [security] tab, select [trusted site] icon, and select [site] button.
  4. [trusted site] screen will be displayed, so uncheck [All sites within this zone require to check server (https:)].
  5. Enter “http://*.microsoft.com” into [add the following website to the zone], select [add] button, and select [close] button.
    • If [OK] button is displayed, select [OK] button and close the screen.
  6. Either in [internet property] screen or [internet option] screen, select [customize level] and activate the following items.
    • Item names may be different, depending on the version of “Internet Explorer”.
    • Action ActiveX control and plugin
    • Action initialization of ActiveX control that isn’t marked as safe even when actioning script, and the script
    • Action the ActiveX control script that is marked as safe when actioning the script
    • Download the signatured ActiveX control
    • Download unsigned ActiveX control
    • Active script

※By performing the above settings, security level will be low only for web pages registered as trusted site.

3. Check the setting of [automatic configuration] from [LAN setting]

  1. Startup “Internet Explorer”.
  2. Select the [tool] button, and select [internet option].
    ※If the [tool] button is not displayed, press the [Alt] key to display the menu bar, and select [tool]-[internet option].
  3. Either [internet option] screen or [internet property] screen will be displayed, so select [connection] tab, and select [LAN setting] button.
  4. [LAN setting] screen will be displayed, so check [automatic detection] under [automatic configuration].
    If [use automatic configuration script] is checked, delete the content written in [address], and uncheck.
  5. Select [OK] button, and close the opened screen.

4. Check the proxy setting
Windows Update may not be performed if using proxy server.
Stop using proxy server, and see if Windows Update can be performed.

5. Check the SSL

  1. Startup “Internet Explorer”.
  2. Select the [tool] button, and select [internet option].
    ※If the [tool] button is not displayed, press the [Alt] key to display the menu bar, and select [tool]-[internet option].
  3. Either [internet option] screen or [internet property] screen will be displayed, so select [detailed setting] and see if the following items are checked.
    Check if not checked.

    • [use SSL 2.0]
    • [use SSL 3.0]

6. Check the setting of order of priority of language

  1. Startup “Internet Explorer”.
  2. Select the [tool] button, and select [internet option].
    ※If the [tool] button is not displayed, press the [Alt] key to display the menu bar, and select [tool]-[internet option].
  3. Either [internet option] screen or [internet property] screen will be displayed, so select [all] tab, and select [language] button.
  4. [order of priority of language] screen will be displayed, so see is “Japanese” is displayed within list of [language]. If multiple languages are displayed, see if “Japanese” is displayed at the top of the list. If “Japanese” is not displayed within the list of [language], select the [add] button. [add language] screen will be displayed, so select “Japanese’, and select [OK] button.


8.  Check if any internet-related apps from other manufacturers are used
By installing internet acceleration app, security app from other manufacturer, or browser app from other manufacturer, Windows Update may not be performed.
In such cases, see what happens when they are uninstalled.
Also, if using browser app from other manufacturer, see what happens when using “Internet Explorer”.
For details on app, please contact the manufacturer.

Please refer to the following Microsoft support technical info as well.
Microsoft support technical info
[sentence #] 817144
[latest update] 2011/5/16
When accessing Windows Update website, the message: “Thank you very much for using” is displayed

9.  Check if updating program can be installed from Microsoft’s download center
If specific updating program cannot be installed, please check if you can install from Microsoft download center.

10.  See what happens when system is restored
Perform system restoration, and see if Windows Update can be performed.

11.  Allow some time, and then check if Windows Update can be performed
Windows Update server may be on maintenance, or the server may be in congestion.
Allow some time, and then check if Windows Update can be performed.

12.  Check the setting of your network device
Make sure the firmware, etc., on the network device is at its latest condition, and see if Windows Update can be performed.
Also, if internet connecting tool, etc., is used, see what happens after it is updated to its latest version.

13.  See what happens when recovery (re-setup/initialize) is performed
Perform recovery, and see if Windows Update can be performed.