[VAIO_PC] Checklist for when Issues Occur After performing Windows Update

Troubleshooting after Running Windows Update

After running the critical updates program in Windows Update, sometimes there are problems that weren’t occurring before the update.

Make sure you can either correspond to the individual Q & A, if not applicable, make sure that the steps are followed in order.

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Table of Contents
Prior confirmation
1. Uninstalling a windows update
2. Running Windows recovery (re setup initialization)

Prior Confirmation

If a problem has occurred with some specific software or peripheral equipment, check to see if there are reports of similar problems with the product’s manufacturer.

1. Uninstall the most recently installed Windows update.

If the issues that you are having are not solved by uninstalling your recent windows update, the problem may be with your application.

Please Note: When your computer does not have the Windows Critical Updates installed, it can impact your computer security, leaving your system vulnerable to malicious third parties.  Additionally, when problems resolve after uninstalling the updates, the problems may reoccur in the future.

If this does not solve your situation, please proceed to Step 2.

2. Recovery (Setup Initialization)
If uninstalling does not remedy the problem, please try recovery.  For directions on how to recover your system, please refer to the link below.

[VAIO_PC] Check List for when backing up recovery (re-setup/initializing) or data 

If the problem does not happen immediately after the recovery process, the problem may be related to the installed program.  If you do not reinstall the program, you can expect the problem to be resolved.